"Why does the Air Force need expensive new bombers? Have the people we've been bombing over the years been complaining?" - George Wallace

Operation Supercharge The Warwickshire Yeomanry's action at Operation Supercharge. A deomstration game played by club members at the Warwickshire Yeomanry Museum as part of commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein.


Wycombe Warband is the wargaming club serving the High Wycombe and Beaconsfield area in south Buckinghamshire. We play all sorts of wargames, from ancient to modern, historical and fantasy, in different scales and using a wide variety of rules sets. We meet weekly evey Thursday at the NFTS, Beaconsfield (map below).

If you're new to wargaming, and think you might be interested, click on on the left to find out more about what it's all about. If you're thinking about joining us, read on to find out more about the club.

Club AGM [11-11-22]

The first club AGM since January 2019 was held on 10 November. For those who weren't there, it was decided unanimously that we should pay a membership fee of £10 each, to cover costs up to the end of 2023, essentially covering web hosting and the domain name for the club website.Please note that the membership fee is only payable by members who regularly turn up at NFTS. New members need not pay until they've come along for more than a couple of sessions. Many thanks to those who have paid already; if you haven't yet then please see Andy when you're at the club or send an email for details of other ways to pay. Many thanks!

El Alamein Anniversary Commemoration [4-11-22]

On the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein, Wycombe Warband were invited to the commemorations at the Warwickshire Yeomanry Museum to run a demonstration game based on the action of the Warwickshire Yeomanry in Operation Supercharge. Appropriately, this time it was a victory to the allies who, despite the inevitable heavy losses, were close to a significant breakthrough at the end, - a similar result to the actual battle. We used the rules created by club members Alan and Jack Townsend, which reproduce action at this operational scale really well. The Townsends' rules are for battalion-scale combined arms action in World War II, and we hope to see them published soon.

Tabletop Republic [updated 21-10-22]

Our local hobby store Tabletop Republic has relocated to new premises in the centre of the High Street in High Wycombe. TTR is a tabletop gaming store specialising in board games, role playing games, wargaming and hobby stuff, which Wycombe Warband is proud to support. The move has brought improvements such as providing food and drink, alongside increased board games rental so that TTR is now a proper board games cafe as well. Friday is historical games night, so do book ahead and come along if you can! See the TTR website for further details as well as information on how to book a table for a game.

Aces High! [updated 21-10-22]

Chocks away, chaps! Our World War 1 air ace campaign, Aces High, using the Wings of Glory rules, is now over. The attempt by the Germans to fight back at the end was going well, but far too late to make a difference. The campaign ends with a resounding win for the Entente Forces. Permission to say "Hurrah!" For the time being, we'll keep the link to the pages open in the menu for everyone to see the results.

Stargrave: The Last Prospector [28-08-22]

It's still not too late to join in our new Stargrave campaign based on The Last Prospector supplement. Rival crews of all shapes and sizes vie against each other in a desolate sector of the ravaged galaxy in a quest to find the prospector. Follow the link on the main menu for the scores so far.

Join in the fun!

The club has now fully reopened. If you are looking for a game get in contact via email or Facebook.

When at the NFTS, please follow these rules:

For more about the club, topics we're currently discussing, and general banter take a look at our email list at Wycombe Warband on io groups, and join us if you would like.

We have an active group on Facebook so you can also catch up with us there as well, as well as various WhatsApp groups.

To find out what club members have been up to recently, see The Front Line for our latest blog posts.

We try our best to make sure that a range of different games is always available so that people can play something they enjoy. If you have a game and want to play it then there is sure to be someone willing to give it a go or more likely already a fan. We're currently playing many different games and will have a go at almost anything!

embedded google maps in website

Above all, we set out to make our games enjoyable for everyone to play, and encourage people to take part. Whether you're a new recruit or a seasoned veteran, whether you're young or old, you'll always be welcome to join in, have fun pushing figures around and rolling some dice!

The school is easy to find, has plenty of space for games, free car parking and a subsidised bar that is open most evenings. Before you turn up, please make sure you are booked in though as attendance is currently limited because of Coronavirus restrictions.

Where and When Do We Meet?

We meet every week on a Thursday night from 7.00pm onwards, and occasional Saturdays. Making a day of it allows us to host big battle games, play several different games, or run shorter games several times throughout the day. In addition, we also have occasional wargames evenings and other fixtures. See our calendar of events for up to date details of what's planned over the weeks ahead.

We meet at the National Film & Television School, Station Road, Beaconsfield, HP9 1LG. Tel. 01494 671234. If you've booked a game but you can't find where we are in the building tell the security guard you're a wargamer and they'll give you directions.

I'm Interested - Who Do I Contact?

You can contact us at wycombewarband@groups.io or visit our Facebook group if you want to find out more information.